Saturday, August 28, 2010

Two Books, One Day

I haven’t written in a while because I haven’t been reading. The last week or so has been busy and stressful. My cat Monkey had to have 15 teeth removed due to resorptive lesions. This came as a surprise. He went in for a routine teeth cleaning because he has gingivitis and came home with half his teeth. Needless to say this past week has been interesting having to make the switch from hard food to wet food and then track him down three times a day to give him medication. I haven’t been sleeping very well and just didn’t feel like reading any of the books I had on my shelf. On Tuesday the books I ordered on Amazon finally came in and I decided start reading them at work on Wednesday.

I started with “One Day” and couldn’t put it down. I finished it on Friday at work. I really liked this book and the whole time I was reading it I kept imagining it as a movie. I knew previously that they are making it into a movie so I kept imagining what the scenes are going to look like on film. One of the reviews says it’s a “nod to When Harry met Sally” and I have to agree. I love that movie and this is like a newer best friend story. Overall I really liked it. After I finished I had brought “The Hunger Games” with me to work and decided to start reading that. I started at around 4 on Friday afternoon and COULD NOT put this book down. I finished the book at 4 Saturday morning. I loved it! I want to run right out and buy the second one but I have things I need to get done today. I am going to buy it this weekend though. So this means it will probably be the 5th book I read this month and I will accomplish my goal, however, I will have to actually purchase a book. And that means not all the books came off my shelf, oh well. At least I got some reading in before I start school next week. And I’m happy that I finished at least a couple books from my shelf.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I want a latte

I want a latte. A grande, skinny, vanilla latte from Starbucks. The weather is cool and rainy and I’ve been up since way too early on my day off for errands. I can’t decide if I want to take a nap or workout. I should work out and I’m really trying to muster up some energy to do it but I’ve really been pushing myself hard lately and my whole body is sore today. I don’t want today to be my off day though. I want one day this weekend to be my off day, like Friday when I’m at a concert. I turned on my workout playlist hoping it would get me hyped up to get on the treadmill but I think I might need a cup of coffee to get moving. I think I might be glued to this computer chair now.

Persuasion just isn’t going to happen. I put it back on the shelf. I really tried to keep reading it but after a few days I realized it’s not the book it’s me. I need a break after “The Historian.” That book was so long and had so much information that I feel like it really sucked the life out of me for a bit. I just need a little break from books. I think I’m just going to wait for my books to come in from Amazon. They should arrive next week, I think. This week is really busy anyway. Every day I have off this week is filled with appointments. Counting down the days until my much needed September vacation.

Last week my b/f ordered a new phone, the Dell Streak, and it came in the mail today. He usually carries his phone in his front pocket. This phone is bigger than my GPS so I’m not exactly sure how he’s going to carry this. I told him he’s not allowed to get one of those stupid belt carriers but he may just have to for practical reasons. I took some pictures today that should give you an idea just how big this phone is.
This is as far as it will go in my pocket.

This is the iPhone, GPS, and Dell Streak (biggest one).

Come on this is like the size of Zach Morris's phone.

Workout Minutes = I don't remember when I posted last but I worked out 74 minutes yesterday.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I’m avoiding reading. Instead of reading I’m playing Words with Friends (aka Scrabble) on my iPhone, checking the internet for new posts on my favorite sites, and doing pushups/planks every hour. I’m addicted to this game. Every few minutes I have to check and see if it’s my turn. I have the boyfriend hooked too. He’s always asking if it’s my turn and if he can play for me. We stayed up until 1 the other night playing each other and watching Jersey Shore on the DVR. Today I used an Amazon gift card I received for my birthday to buy some new books. I bought “One Day”, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, and “The Hunger Game” or maybe its games, I don’t remember. Total cost was $.69. Not bad. I think if I make it to book 5 I’m going to treat myself and read “One Day” since I didn’t technically pay for it and it will be on my bookshelf by then.

(I found this on my computer because I didn't take any new pictures)

I need someone to persuade me to start reading this book. I have it open to the first page; I have read the first paragraph 3 times now and after every time I set it down to check my phone. Ugh, I’m just in a book funk now. I need a fun, fast book to read and that doesn’t exist on my book shelf. The books on my shelf haven’t been read because they no longer interest me. I’m losing motivation. I don’t understand these people who have motivation every day. I NEVER have motivation. I’m lucky if I find some one day a week for a few moments. I was able to find a little bit this week and work out a few times.

Workout Minutes = 144 (Over 2 days)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It’s been awhile since I last wrote and I can’t even remember everything that has happened since then. I had a good birthday. Took my cats to the vet, had a pedicure, and went out for drinks. This thing in my arm is still bruised and hurts. It feels like someone punched me really hard and the pain just won’t go away. Hopefully in another day or so I will be able to sleep normally again. It’s difficult to try and find someplace to put your arm where you won’t be laying on it while you sleep.

Well I finally finished “The Historian” last night at around 1. I’m glad I’m done with it. It took a few more days than expected but I didn’t read much over the weekend either. I think the size of it just kept me from really wanting to sit down and finish. Overall I enjoyed it. I can appreciate the amount of work the author put into writing the book but the ending sort of fell short. She put so much detail into the book and then the last chapter felt like she didn’t want to write anymore. Like she was over it and just wanted to be done. That was disappointing, but a relief at the same time, because I felt the same way. The book drained me.

Now to decide what should I read next? I feel like I need something lite and airy but I’m not sure that exists on my book shelf. Some options I’ve been looking at are “My Booky Wook” by Russell Brand. I started this book late last year thinking it was going to be funny but after about 35 pages it really wasn’t. Maybe it just hadn’t gotten good yet and needs another shot. The beginning was about his stay in sex rehab and if it’s depressing I’m not sure I can handle that after the last book. The other option I’m considering is “Persuasion” by Jane Austen. I’ve never read a Jane Austen book and I’m actually a little nervous to try. I’m nervous because the writing style might be the exact opposite of lite and airy. I skimmed through it a few moments ago and it doesn’t appear to be as bad as I originally thought so I might consider it. What I would really like to do is use this Amazon gift card someone gave me for my birthday and buy a few books I’ve been wanting to read, but that goes against my August goals completely. I can still but the books, I just can’t read them until I read 3 more books from my book shelf. I have roughly 20 days to read 3 books. I guess I had better start reading shorter books. Also my working out was out the window about 2 weeks ago, I might as well scratch that goal off the list right now.

Also my sister gave me this awesome gift for my birthday.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I woke up to the doorbell ringing and had to race down 2 flights of stairs to get there before UPS drove away and knowing them they are quick. I hate them. So my morning was off to an amazing start until I got to the bottom of the steps and saw that it was Edible Arrangements. When I opened the door they asked for my b/f so now I was pissed again because who would be sending him a fruit basket. I became even more enraged when I opened the box and it was chocolate covered strawberries. The card said something to the effect (affect?) of “Thanks for referring friends to us, signed Your Eye Doctor.” So I guess I can’t be pissed anymore since they gave me an early birthday breakfast because we are out of milk and I’m tired of eating eggs. I did however send an email to the b/f saying “Look what someone sent me for my birthday”, because I’m not going to be the only one pissed off so early in the morning. He didn’t think it was funny.

They were pretty tasty.

I read about 100 pages yesterday, making progress. If I keep us this pace I should have no problem finishing by this weekend. So far I have plans up until Sunday but I work today and then again on Sunday so both of those days I should be able to read. Tomorrow I am having this inserted in my arm and I’m getting more nervous as the day goes on. DO NOT Google images or videos if you get queasy because I can assure you it will make you lightheaded. I really want someone to go with me but there isn’t anyone that can. I really want to cry just thinking about it, but I always cry about needles.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back on track

I feel better today. Yesterday I slept in until my “just in case” alarm went off and then felt like crap for most of the day. I didn’t get to read at work because I was swamped which pissed me off. I had planned to read my whole shift since I didn’t read at all this weekend. So I came home and read in bed until about 1230. I am in the 300’s now which means I’m halfway done with the book. I think I can do it, I think I can finish this book by my birthday, which is Saturday. Already today I have had a healthy breakfast, 2 cups of coffee, 30 minutes of cardio on my new to me treadmill (I LOVE being able to walk downstairs to work out as soon as I feel like it, no more excuses!), and I made a pair of cutoffs. In what little free time I did have at work yesterday I found a new fashion blog and she inspired me to make a new pair of shorts. The top pair I bought at Target, they are a boyfriend cut so they start to sag after one or two wears. The bottom pair were a pair of Gap flare jeans I haven’t worn in about a year because they get saggy and who wears flares anymore, unless they have a high waist and are cute, which these aren’t.

I’m marinating some cod for a few minutes before I go to work. I hate working shifts that cover 2 meals. I always have to plan something for lunch and dinner, which is always a little more difficult than breakfast and lunch. So I have to finish this post, stick the cod in the over, jump in the shower, grab the cod and go to work. Let’s hope today is a little slower so I can get in some reading time. I’ll link to the new fashion blog somewhere on here later at work since I don’t have time to figure it out right now.
Workout Minutes = 30

Sunday, August 1, 2010


On Friday I made up for some lost workout minutes. I did an hour long yoga dvd I have and then went to the gym and did an hour of cardio. I felt pretty good afterwards so to treat myself I went to Noodles and Co and then thrift store shopping. I picked up 3 shirts for $10. On Saturday I went out to find a dress for my upcoming birthday but didn’t work out at all. I also didn’t read other than a little at the gym on Friday. I haven’t made much of a dent in this book which is 600 pages. I think I’m on page 280. I think I should set a deadline and decide I need to finish this book by next weekend because if I don’t I won’t keep my overall goal of 5 books by the end of August. This should be about 1 book a week for the rest of the month. My goal of getting more sun has been slipping too. I think I might have to just throw this one out. Going to the pool or the park all the time just doesn’t fit into my schedule and the only pool around cost money.

Workout Minutes = 123

Completed Books

  • Mockingjay
  • The Girl Who Played With Fire
  • Catching Fire
  • The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
  • The Hunger Games
  • One Day
  • The Historian
  • The Last Summer (Of You and Me)