Friday, July 30, 2010


On Wednesday I started reading “The Historian.” I took it with me to the gym and of course it didn’t start getting good until I couldn’t handle the elliptical anymore. I was proud of myself though. I managed to remember after nearly a year where I had left off in the book and what was going on. I also did a little over an hour of cardio. I’ve found that if I read, my workout goes by much faster, but I don’t feel like I worked out as hard. Not sure if I should be more focused on the time I’m putting in or the intensity. I have noticed that I’m exhausted lately. After working, reading, and working out I can’t seem to keep my eyes open. So yesterday I came home from work and took a nap. I meant to do a yoga workout dvd but I was just too tired. I didn’t read anything either, I just lay on the couch all night. It felt good to do nothing but today I feel guilty. Since I haven’t done much I haven’t taken any pictures so here is one I found on my computer.

Workout Minutes = 63

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I finished reading “The Last Summer (Of You and Me)” while at the gym yesterday. I made myself stay on the elliptical until I finished the book which meant I did 68 minutes of cardio. Two goals accomplished at the same time. Definitely feels good to complete something even if it’s something so small. I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to review the books I read or if I’m even going to review them. I figured I probably should but I can’t think of anything I really have to say about this book. It’s a decent beach read but I don’t care to read it again and it didn’t leave a lasting impression. I think what drove me to read it so quickly was that it’s an easy read (I think it’s a young adult book) but I think I was more driven by my desire to finish reading “a” book. After the book and the gym I was exhausted so I just went home and lay on the couch. I wanted to go to bed at 6 but made myself wait until 8.

I can’t decide which new book to start. I have a few options, well more than a few really, but I’ve been leaning towards “The Historian” by Elizabeth Kostova . I’m about a quarter of the way through it and I think I remember most of what has happened so far. It’s been about a year since I put it down. I have a habit of starting books, reading a quarter, and never picking them back up. This seems like the best option because I’m at work and forgot to bring a new book with me to start and “The Historian” has been sitting my locker since I put it down last.

Ok I think a new goal needs to be decision making. I have a problem making decisions. I will sit and think about doing something for hours and by the time I make the decision I probably could have read the book or done whatever it was I was thinking about doing twice by then.

 So it’s decided, I am going to finish “The Historian.”
Workout Minutes = 68

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Low Flying Planes

Is it weird to be jealous of the girl’s legs on the cover of my book? This book is about spending summers on an island and when I look at the cover of the book her legs are amazing. Perfectly tan too. Then I feel like a fat slob for sitting on the couch reading a book, when I should be out running around the block for hours. I need to find some sort of gadget that adds minutes so I can input my workout minutes on the sidebar to keep track. I don’t know if something like that exists. 30 x 60 minutes = 1800 minutes by 31 August. I hope that’s right. Math has always been my worst subject.

I almost threw in the towel yesterday and gave up before I even got started. After the doctor appointment I drove by the pool only to find out they are closed on Monday’s. This probably would have occurred to me before if I spent more time there. So I had to think of a Plan B. Then I remembered there was a lake close by. I decided to run to the store, grab some lunch, and buy a lawn chair. This plan was foiled too. The lunch I wanted, Taco Bell, had a line a mile long, and the store didn’t sell lawn chairs. At this point I was about to give up and just go home to watch Lost. Then I remembered I had a blanket in the back of the car and I could run by the little minimart for some picnic type items. So thats what I did.

The park was a much better choice than the pool anyway. The weather was cool with a slight breeze, almost too cool for the water but just perfect for the park. My only gripe is that this park sits at the end of a runway and about every minute or so a large plane flies over. It was exciting for about the first 20 minutes.
Workout Minutes = 15

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26

I woke up this morning and decided that the month of August I am actually going to accomplish something. Maybe I won’t be accomplishing anything that you would get a prize for but it will feel like an accomplishment for me. I have no school this month and technically nothing to do. So I have decided to set some mini goals for myself. I spent part of the morning working out the details and decided I will work them out along the way. First of all, grammar and spelling are not part of the goal this month. If Microsoft Word doesn’t catch the mistake then it’s not a mistake in my book. Ok here goes:

1. Read at least 5 books this month. All must be from my book shelf since I am in the habit of purchasing books and never reading them.

2. Get more sun. A hoosier/hippie called me a “Pasty Princess” at the bar the other night and according to my sister this is in fact an insult wrapped in a complement. So I will combine 1 and 2 more often. These will also fit nicely with number 3.

3. Get off the computer and stop watching so much TV. These are 2 different things but I feel they fit together. I spend most of my time on the computer and have the TV going as background noise. It’s a sick habit and I need to break it, if only for a month.

4. There are 37 days until the end of August (I’m writing this on 26 July). I need to workout at least 30 hours by then. That breaks down to 1 hour a day with 7 free days mixed in. This is more than achievable if I get my fat butt off the computer.

These are small goals and I may add more along the way, but these are my basic goals.

Goals for today:

I have a doctor’s appointment this morning but I plan to get a workout in before then. Afterwards I’m going to read at the pool, followed by a little late afternoon grocery shopping.

*Special thanks to the thunderstorm that rolled through yesterday and kick started my month-long adventure. Without you we would have had power and I would have spent my after noon on the couch catching up on Lost Season 3. Instead I am now reading “The Last Summer (Of You and Me)” by Ann Brashares. You may know Ann from “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.” I didn’t.

Completed Books

  • Mockingjay
  • The Girl Who Played With Fire
  • Catching Fire
  • The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
  • The Hunger Games
  • One Day
  • The Historian
  • The Last Summer (Of You and Me)